INFINITE Experience

$333.00 USD

This is for you if you are SO ready to breakthrough the limiting beliefs that keep holding you back and you are ready to learn how to use your subconscious mind to support you in reaching your goals. 

You will learn how to create SPACE (physical, mental and emotional), and allow yourself to receive ALL that is available for you!

The INFINITE Experience will begin in mid August, in a 3 week Micromind format. In this format there will be 6 calls minimum including time allotted for Q&A support. Stay tuned for follow up information. 

At the end of our time together you will receive a Hypnosis and a Subliminal to support you in your Subconscious reprogramming to reach your goals!

There is INFINITE opportunities and possibilities available for you when you remove the blocks and allow yourself to SEE them. 

If you would prefer 2 monthly payments, use this link

I am so excited to work with and support you in this experience!!

No refunds or transfers
Marsha  xoxo 

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