#84: “My Journey to Overcoming Fear” with Diane Gies

Season #2 Episode #84

#84: “My Journey to Overcoming Fear” with Diane Gies

Today we chat with Diane Gies– Personal Life Coach & Impactor

Diane is an International Best-Selling Author, a Facilitator and Coach who specializes in Personal Development training through custom tailored workshops, lunch and learns and keynote speaking. A graduate of the social work program, Diane has dedicated her life to understanding human behaviour and ultimately creating change where change is needed. She believes that life is a journey and is 'made up of a tapestry of events that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan'. Every decision we make will place us on a path full of new opportunities and experiences that will bring us closer to our purpose in life. With that in mind, she decided to partner up with some amazing individuals who share her beliefs. She has created a program that will cater to the mind, the body and the soul all while being away at a sunny destination. She is the Founder and Creative Director of Elite Wellness Getaways and beyond excited to help you create the change needed so that you can live the life you deserve!

Diane shares her very personal story with overcoming fear, dealing with personal health challenges and how she is determined to pay it forward to others.

In this episode we talk about:

1.  Life is a series of making decisions, owning our choices, overcoming our fears and making more decisions. Incredible change happens when we learn to face and overcome our fears.

2.  Nothing happens to us, it happens for us, even when we can’t see or make sense of the reasons at the time.

3.  We hear it all the time, learning how to believe that we are truly enough as we are.  It is one of the most powerful life lessons!

4.  We cannot manifest anything that we cannot graciously receive.  THIS message was such a powerful realization! Being in the space of receiving makes us vulnerable and that can be a difficult place to stay, yet that truly is the beautiful space where growth happens.

5.  When fear overtakes us, follow the process by Mel Robbins, 5-4-3-2-1 and push forward into action. It is the pause and overthinking where we live in and create more fear to stay stuck.

6.  When we surrender we are allowing the process to present itself. It isn’t for us to figure out.  What we continue to fight or resist only comes back or stays in our life.  We must move through the discomfort!

7.  When we learn our lessons it is our responsibility to pay it forward to others.  We can all make a difference!

Connect with Diane Gies:



[email protected]

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Marsha Vanwynsberghe — Author, Speaker and Life Coach

Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”.  She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse far past the level of normal experimentation.

Through her programs, coaching and live events for women, Marsha is on a mission to teach you how to “Own Your Choices” in your own life.  She teaches women how to own their stories, lead themselves and pay it forward to others by creating businesses that serve, support and impact others.



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